The energy body is an energetic field linked to the physical body. It functions like a battery backpack, supplying power to the physical body. This energy body is often referred to as prana, chi, or life-force.
When the energy body is fully charged, it circulates throughout the physical body, revitalizing cells and organs, bringing the physical body into balance, and creating wellness, vitality, and vibrancy. However, when the life-force energy is stuck, stagnant, blocked, or low in power, it can lead to ailments, injury, inflammation, pain, discomfort, illness, and disease.
Many factors can cause energy blockages, low power, or energy drainage. Here are some examples:
- Trauma: Negative energy from life events that are trapped or stuck in the body.
- Repressed Feelings: Unprocessed or Suppressed Emotions
- Dysfunctional or Limiting Beliefs
- Fear-Based Paradigms, Conditioning, or Programming
- Empathic Absorption: Negative energies absorbed from other people, places, or things.
- Negative Energetic Cords: Draining connections from other people in past or present relationships.
- Negative Karma: (Ancestral, past, or present life)
- Negative Astrological Influences: (e.g., Mercury Retrograde)
- Negative Extraterrestrial Influences
- Psychic Attack: An energetic attack from a person or spirit-entity.
- Voodoo, Black Magic, Spells, Hexes, Curses: Intent to cause ill will, adversity, or misfortune.
- Spirit Attachments (Possessions): Deceased humans (lost souls) attaching themselves to living humans with low life-force to keep on living through them.
- Soul Loss (Fragmentation): Fragmented soul parts that have failed to return back to the body after trauma.
- Misaligned Frequencies: (Body, Universal Energy)
There might be certain telltale signs of mental, emotional, and physical distress, which vary from person to person. Some signs could include low energy, chronic fatigue, sore aching muscles, pain, poor sleep, headaches, impaired decision-making, lack of concentration, brain fog, apathy, or loss of interest or motivation.
It can also manifest as irritability, moodiness, lack of desire to do activities, nervousness, anxiety, or crying for no reason.
Depending on the kind of blockage, a person might also experience misfortune, bad luck, hardships, bad habits, addiction, sickness, illness, and disease.
For confirmation, we turn to the divine intelligence and infinite wisdom of the energy body’s consciousness. An energetic scan can reveal blockages or energy-depleting factors at play. It can also show how much life-force energy your body is holding.
For example, if your energy body is +10 or +34, your life-force energy and power are fairly strong. If your energy body is -15 or -34, your life-force energy may be compromised and drained, lowering your immune system and the body’s defenses.
The energy you feel to complete daily tasks is not the same as your life-force energy. Think of life-force energy more like power. Your body has energy power similar to how a cell phone has battery power.
When your cell phone battery gets low, it can still run several open programs flawlessly. However, if you don't charge it soon, it will turn off or die out.
When your body’s life-force energy is negative, it is not strong enough to protect itself from other sources that want or need your energy to survive.
These external sources seek low battery power in humans to attach and drain as much energy as possible, leaving humans feeling exhausted, depleted, and depressed.
Depression can lead to anxieties, self-medicating, addiction, and hopelessness. Many years of being drained and having low life-force can compromise the immune system, activating sickness, illness, and disease within the physical body.
For most people whose energy is drained or depleted, they seldom feel anything from the initial clearing. However, in the coming days, weeks, and months, most people start to feel an increase of energy flowing through their body, more clarity, and a sense of being more alive and optimistic.
Some people who are more connected energetically to their body and self-awareness can feel energy moving out of their physical body during a clearing.
You won’t know unless you clear yourself. From my experience, people struggling with healing for over 30 or 40 years start to heal after eliminating the heavy energy load draining them.
It starts with a strong belief and knowing that our body is intelligent and has its own innate ability to heal when conditions are primed for healing.
When the energy body is no longer being drained, your body’s life-force power increases, giving the physical body a better chance to start healing itself.
I am NOT a doctor; I cannot and do not diagnose or treat anyone for any symptoms or health issues.
I am an Energy Alchemist; I transmute energy from one form to another. As an intuitive shamanic practitioner, I connect to the divine intelligence of the universe, where all knowing is here and now.
This divine information is available for us all to access for our greater good and to help us experience a quality life.
On your behalf I ask the spirit of your body or its higher intelligence what kinds of negative energy may be stuck or draining your body, that is not serving your highest good.
Then I get confirmation one way or another, and then I start narrowing it down until I have a better idea of what it is that is causing your energy body to be compromised.
This varies for everyone. Because we are all different, with different conditions, lifestyles, attitudes, and beliefs, results can vary from person to person.
Some people notice changes within days, some within weeks, and others see consistent improvements over time. It’s important to consider that it may have taken years or decades to develop heavy energy drains and blockages, so patience is necessary as the body adjusts to its new condition.
Are there any specific things I would need to do after my energy clearing to keep my life-force power to keep increasing?
Yes, there are things you can do and be. Here are a few recommendations:
- Stay hydrated - your energy body is like a battery. It needs lots of water to keep your physical body charged up. The worst thing you can do for your body after a clearing is not properly hydrate yourself. It could lead to headaches or you feeling low energy and not feeling great. (This is a common issue and 90% of the time, it's because the client is severely dehydrated a day or two after the clearing session.)
- Mindful Breathing - Just like your body needs water, it needs a lot of oxygen, especially after an energy clearing. Deliberate deep breathing will return oxygen back into the cells of your body that has been deprived. When you take deep intentional breaths into your lungs you will assist your body into releasing the stuck, stagnant and trapped energy that has been transmuted.
- Avoid Negative Environments and Activities - After your full body energy clearing, it will take about a week or two for your life-force power to increase high enough, and strong enough to endure most low vibe environments and circumstances. You may want to avoid certain people, places and activities that can attract dark forces or draining connections.
- The Art of Being - When you practice the art of Being more loving, compassionate, honest, forgiving and grateful, starting with yourself first and then onto others, your vibrational frequency rises tremendously fast. It’s no secret that the way you heal yourself and others is with the Love frequency. So, when you are Being more loving, your life-force and vibrational frequency gets stronger and more powerful. Keep your vibe high so that your body can keep healing itself.
If you have more questions or need further information, the best way to move forward in your healing journey is to book a consultation with me. During the consultation, I will conduct an energetic scan and provide a detailed overview of the information.
Embrace the journey to balance, harmony, and a revitalized life with Energy Alchemy.